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Derby Theatre

Director  Bryn Holding
Lighting Designer  Rachel Cleary
Production Photographs ©Graeme Braidwood

Digital set design models created using Blender 3D

A forest of Christmas trees surrounds a tilted ring-shaped walkway on Kevin Jenkins’ attractive rustic set, evoking Derbyshire in the 1840s and matching the joy that Gabriella – dissed as Cinders by her stepsisters – takes in the beauty of simple things. The Guardian

Kevin Jenkins' ingenious set places the action within a disc-shaped performing area that mirrors a large clock face, its ominously ticking hands ramping up the tension. The Stage


Embarking on a magical journey at Derby Theatre, the production of Cinderella unfolds with a visual feast, courtesy of the artistic prowess of Kevin Jenkins. His mastery in costume design is a symphony of colour and texture, adorning the cast in an exquisite array of outfits that transport the audience into the heart of the fairytale. The set, a marvel of ingenuity and versatility, serves as a dynamic backdrop, seamlessly transitioning between scenes and enhancing the overall visual tapestry. All Things Theatre

Kevin Jenkins has produced a clever set which allows the action to move effortlessly from the outdoors to Cinderella’s cottage and Maddox Hall. British Theatre Guide

There’s a real sense of Derbyshire throughout. From the use of local phrases and accents to the stunning set design. It seamlessly moves between the family’s cottage and the rolling peak district to Maddox Hall and the emerging railways. Maddox Hall is clearly inspired by some of the county’s stately homes. Primarily Kedleston Hall with a sprinkling of Calke Abbey and Chatsworth. The circular staging reinforces the sense of passing time and provides an effective platform for the entertaining song and dance numbers. East Midlands Theatre

The first thing that struck me with this production was the impressive staging. Featuring fully lit Christmas trees, a beautiful hooped stage and a ticking clock overseeing in the background, the design of the set was stunning and perfectly fitting the festive feel of the production. The staging was used consistently effectively throughout, from the confines of the cottage, the hills of the Derbyshire Dales to the fabulous backdrop of Maddox hall that came down to show a clear change of location. Trap doors also made for easy use of props and a slick and seamless transition between scenes. Beyond the Curtain

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